Превод текста

Billie Eilish - Overheated Превод текста


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

[1. Vers]
Zapravo ni ne znam kako se desilo
Krenula sam da govorim, oni su krenuli da se smejj
Zapravo ni ne znam kako se desilo
Krenula sam da ih gledam kako fotografišu
Zapravo (Zapravo) ni ne znam kako se desilo
Umesto da stanu, nastavili su da slikaju (Zapravo)
Krenula sam da hotam (Zapravo), nisam im dala reakciju
(Bez reakcije)

Pregrejana sam, ne mogu da me poraze
Ne mogu da me obrišu, ne mogu opet da oslobode to
Pregrejana sam, ne mogu da me poraze
Ne mogu da me obrišu, ne mogu da me ponove
Pregrejana sam
Pregrejana sam

[2. Vers]
Zapravo ni ne želim baš da znam zašto si otišao tamo (Zašto si otišao tamo)
Nekako me nije briga (Nekako me nije briga)
Želiš da me ubiješ? (Želiš da me ubiješ?)
Želiš da me povrediš? (Želiš da me povrediš?)
Prekini da flertuješ (He-he-he)
Nekako radi
Da li si stvarno mislio da je ovo ispravna stvar za uraditi?
(Da li su ovo vesti? Kome?)
Da sam izgledala baš kao svi vi ostali

Pregrejana sam, ne mogu da me poraze
Ne mogu da me obrišu, ne mogu opet da oslobode to
Pregrejana sam, ne mogu da me poraze
Ne mogu da me obrišu, ne mogu da me ponove
Pregrejana sam

I svi su rekli da je bilo razočarenje
Ali ja sam sada bila građena kao svi ostali
Ali ja nisam imala operacije da mi pomognu
Jer ne nameravam da se redizajniram sada, zar ne?
(Zar ne?) Zar ne?
Sve ove ostale nepokretne kuje
Nije to moja stvar
Ali zar ti nije muka od
Poziranja za slike sa tim plastičnim telom?

Pregrejana sam, ne mogu da me poraze
Ne mogu da me obrišu, ne mogu opet da oslobode to
Pregrejana sam, ne mogu da me poraze
Ne mogu da me obrišu, ne mogu da me ponove
Pregrejana sam
Pregrejana sam

Још текстова песама из овог уметника: Billie Eilish

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Last Tango

The last tango
to remember
is that tango that is danced
quickly and goes.

You, romantic that you are, don't know what you want
but then you'll be happy
if I capture you to make you do a gigolo tango,
a tango will be fun.

The last tango
drives me mad,
this rhythm of the past returns for us
and goes.

You, romantic that you are, don't know what you want
but then you'll be happy
if I capture you to make you do a gigolo tango,
a tango will be fun.

The last tango
to remember
is that tango that is danced
quickly and goes.



Abishag, Abishag
I see everything in you
Abishag, Abishag
I just can't stand it anymore

Why are you smiling
And making me signs,
Sending your gaze towards me
Abishag, I love you so much
Abishag, Abishag

Abishag, ho Abishag
I can't do without you anymore
Abishag, Abishag
I long to be with you.

Why are you smiling
And making me signs,
Sending your gaze towards me
(prenti ti pre mai
o volto piano pri verrai)?
Abishag, Abishag
Abishag, Ciao


What Are You Looking For?

What are you looking for
around you?
Look carefully,
someone is there.

If the rain were to fall,
it would dream of the clouds
that cover your face
and then you would see in me.

This love of mine is so great
and I can't stop it,
I'm a prisoner of your eyes
and I can't change myself.

What are you looking for
around you?
Look carefully,
someone is there.

If there was the moon,
it would give me courage to
give you a sudden kiss
and then you'd say yes.

What are you looking for
around you?
Look carefully,
someone is there.

If the rain were to fall,
it would dream of the clouds
that cover your face
and then you would see in me.

This love of mine is so great
and I can't stop it,
I'm a prisoner of your eyes
and I can't change myself.

What are you looking for
around you?
Look carefully,
someone is there.

If there was a moon,
it would give me courage to
give you a sudden kiss
and then you'd say yes,
you'd say yes,
you'd say yes,
you'd say yes,
you'd say yes.


I Was About to Tell The World

I was about to tell the world about our love
now that our love is no longer of any use.
I was showing our sky to the sun
now that our sky no longer shines.

If you want it like that,
I won't insist oh-oh-oh-oh,
the moon turns
and perhaps you'll return.

I was about to tell the world our love
now that you're leaving.
I won't give up, I'll leave the door open
and I'll wait.


If you want it like that,
I won't insist oh-oh-oh-oh,
the moon turns
and perhaps you'll return.

I was about to tell the world our love
now that you're leaving.
I won't give up, I'll leave the door open
and I'll wait,
I'll leave the door open
and I'll wait.